Many people are starting to raise chickens in their backyard for eggs and meat. I am learning about chickens now and researched the breeds that I would consider for my backyard chicken coop. And since I want egg-layers and not meat providers I finally decided on the white leghorn chicken.
Remember Foghorn Leghorn from the old cartoon? He is a white leghorn chicken! This breed of chickens lay an egg almost every day! Their eggs are not colored, they are large white ones.
What a delight it is to go out to your backyard and find several eggs right in the coop! I found out that the eggs you buy in the supermarket are about 30 days old, and you can sure tell the difference between a fresh egg and one bought from the grocery store. Fresh eggs have a rich golden color in the yolks, and when you crack one in a skillet, the yolks stand up firmly. And the taste! No comparison!
You'll not only get the superior taste from your eggs, the nutritional value is eggcellent. I like to use eggs for baking, facial masks (an egg yolk mixed with honey is fantastic for your skin!) and all types of cooking. My husband loves frittatas and egg burritos. And so do I. A morning starting with freshly gathered eggs fried up with some bacon or sausage, home fries and whole wheat toast just can't be beat.
When I first considered raising chickens I knew that I had to provide a secure home from them. Where we live there are lots of predators looming about, so I knew I had to protect my chickens very well. I looked all over to find a good, reasonably priced chicken coop but had trouble. They were all way too expensive for my budget. I finally figured I would have to build my own chicken coop to cut down on expenses. I found this one set of plans that thoroughly explained how to build your own chicken coop for around $100.00. I was pretty excited about this and looked at exactly what they had to offer. I was both surprised and pleased.
If you are thinking about raising chickens but are having problems finding a reasonably priced chicken coop, visit It solved my problems of providing a secure home for my chickens. I just love being a backyard chicken raiser!